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Car varnish is a purified clear resin with special additives. Car varnishes have good brightness and gloss. The lacquer-protected coating is able to withstand the effects of sunlight, road reagents and many other adverse effects. Automotive lacquers are highly polishable and elastic. 

Car varnishes give the coating a high gloss finish. As well as adding richness and perfection to the surface of the bodywork, car paint protects against corrosion and minor damage, prevents premature fading and prolongs the life of the paint.

There are many advantages to using a car paintwork:

  • high elasticity, which gives metal surfaces reliable protection against external influences;
  • strength;
  • the hardness of the metal, which develops under the action of the varnish and can withstand most mechanical influences;
  • ease of use;
  • the beautiful appearance of the car;
  • polishability.

Depending on the effect, varnishes are divided into:

  • matt varnish;
  • gloss varnish;
  • clear varnish;
  • opaque varnish with tint.
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